Monday, November 3, 2014

Powerful Quote

I was browsing around Pinterest debating if I was going to add in any quotes to my post and I came across this and it struck a chord with me. I missed two days of exercise but I am not letting that stray me from my path. I plan to work just that much harder to get my goal. I tracked all my food today and ended the day with 1,040 calories. With breakfast and two snacks I should ring in closer to my 1,500 calories I am allotted each day. I know this journey is different because even though I slid a little I didn't let that deter me. I am no longer coke free. I splurged with some Dr. Pepper and then my husband gave me permission to get some zero calorie soda later on at the grocery store but you know what? I don't even know why I asked him. I don't need it and my body definitely doesn't need it. So, I will be focusing on my flavorings and just plain 'ol water because I am determined to each healthier. Mom made pies for S's birthday and I've only had one slice. I am not quitting sweet but cutting back because I don't need them. I plan to get back into my routine hot and heavy today. I am trying to find rhythm but it's going to take and that's all I can is let the process do it's bidding. I weighed in at 215.2 but it's not my usual weigh-in time either so I will weigh in again after I am up and moving to see if the number is the same. If so, I can't be upset because its 2 ounces that are my fault for slacking. All the more motivation to stay strong through the storm.

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