The 3-1-2-1 Lifestyle Plan

I read a small sample the other day because Mom had mentioned it was something she was thinking about trying. She bought it yesterday and I have spent the morning reading in between cleaning house. First off, I fell in love with Dolvett as a trainer on The Biggest Loser because he's honest. He brings up the emotional baggage as some trainers do not. When you first start reading it starts off with two questions.

1) How bad do you want it?
I have been wanting to lose weight for a long time but I always allow myself to get in the way. I use people as my crutch instead of this being a independent journey as it should. After having Daddy admit some things to me I am more motivated than ever not only to lose my weight but to show Daddy the hot wife he deserves.

2) Will you adopt the 3-1-2-1 diet as your "final diet"?
Honestly, yes. I have read through the book and while there are some things that I don't neccesarily like I can say that this seems like the best plan because even though he calls it a diet he also admits it's a lifestyle change. This will be huge because for the food part I plan to stick as religiously as possible to it. This means a large part of grocery money will be spent on me stalking up for the month.

For those that are wondering what the heck the 3-1-2-1 diet is let me explain it you. You eat clean for 3 days, cheat 1, eat clean 2, and cheat 1. You'll exercise and count calories as well. The reason for cheat days is to offset your system so it's getting those naughty foods as well as the good stuff too all while losing weight.

Women need around 1500 calories a day to lose weight. Drinking a lot of water is also something that needs to be done. He recommends drinking half of your body weight in water so for me that's 105 oz of water. I have a large frame size so my goal weight is 125-140 lbs. That means I am aiming to lose around 71 lbs. It seems like a lot but I am willing to put the work in to make that happen.

Another thing I really like is that he suggests making SMART goals.


Some of my SMART goals include: Hitting onederland by December, fitting back into a size 16 jean comfortably, and writing all of my letters by December.

Mini Goals- daily goals like eating the right foods, exercising, doing daily affirmations.

My Mini Goals: I will stick to my eating plans. I will do my chores. I will drink my water.

Then he breaks down each food category into what you can have. Here is what I have chosen for myself.

Smart Proteins
Fish: Canned tuna in water
Poultry: Chicken breasts, eggs (2 eggs=1 serving), egg whites (4 eggs=1 serving), Turkey (lean ground), Turkey bacon (Reduced fat), Turkey ham (fat free)
Vegetable Protein: Pinto beans (1/2 C)
Other Proteins: Almond milk (1 C=1 serving), Cottage cheese, low-fat (1/2 C), Yogurt (1 C)

Smart Fibers (Vegetables and Greens)

 *Bell peppers, *Broccoli, *Green Beans, *Kale, *Lettuce (all varieties), *Scallions, *Spinach
(Serving size for veggies is 1/2 to 1 C)
 Foods marked with an * are Greens so eat as much as possible.

Fibrous Fruits: Apples, Berries (all types), Pears
(Serving size is 1 piece of fruit or 1 C chopped fruit.)

Smart Carbs
Fruit Carbs: Bananas, Grapes, Melons, Oranges, Pineapples, and Watermelon
(Serving size is 1 piece, 1 C of grapes, or 1 C of chopped fruit.)
Vegetable Carbs: Carrots, Pumpkins, Sweet Potatoes, and Yams
(Serving size is 1 carrot or 1/2 C cooked carrots, 1/2 C pumpkin, 1 medium yam or sweet potato)
 Starchy Carbs: Bread (Multgrain, gluten-free), Brown Rice, Oatmeal, Quinoa, Wild Rice
(1 slice of bread, 1/2 C Brown Rice, Oatmeal, Quinoa, or Wild Rice)

Smart Fats
Flaxseed Oil: Spread it on toast, use it in salad dressings, mix it into yogurt, or blend it in with smoothies.
Olive Oil: You can cook with it or add it salads and vegetables

Smart Condiments 
Vinegar and Lemon Juice- Make your own salad dressings with vinegar or lemon juice, mixed with olive oil or flaxseed oil.
Jams (sugar free), Marinara sauce (low-carb), Truvia (a noncaloric sweetner made from natural ingredient), Vegetable cooking spray

1 Smart Fiber or Smart Carb Fruit
Handful of Almonds
2 Sticks of low-fat String Cheese
A Smoothie
1 Smart Fiber Vegetable

Absolutes (No No Foods): Corn, Added sugar and sodas, alcoholic beverages, artificial sweeteners with the exception of Truvia, butter or margarine,  cow's milk, fast food, processed packaged food, rice milk, salt, soda (regular or diet), soy milk, sugar, syrups, white starches.

Cheat Days
Cheat Proteins: Beef, Hot Dog (1), Lunch meat (2 slices), Skim Milk (1 C)
Carbs: Desserts (in moderation), Crackers (6), Frozen Fruit Bar (1), Pancakes/Waffles (2-3 Pieces), Pasta (Whole Wheat, 1/2-1 C), Potato (1 Medium), Reduced Calorie Bar or Ice Cream Sandwich (Skinny Cow, 1)

Calorie Count
Almond Milk- 1 C (60 cal)
Beans- 1/2 C (100 cal)
Beef, lean, 4 oz (207 cal)
Egg Whites, 4 (69 cal)
Eggs, 2 (140 cal)
Nonfat Cottage Cheese, 1/2 C (52 cal)
White Meat Chicken, Skinless, 4 oz (186 cal)
 Apple, Medium (80 cal)
Green Beans, Cooked (44 cal)
Orange, Medium (62 cal)
Pear (90 cal)
Salad, lettuce, 1 C Raw (10 cal)
Spinach, 1 C Raw (12 cal)
Banana, Medium (105 cal)
Brown Rice, Cooked, 1/2 C (109 cal)
Oatmeal, Cooked, 1/2 C (83 cal)
Pasta, Whole Wheat, 1/2 C (87 cal)
Quinoa, 1/2 C (111 cal)
Wild Rice, 1/2 C (83 cal)
Almonds, 1/4 C (207 cal)
Low-Fat String Cheese, 2 Sticks (100 cal)

My Plan: I found this book extremely positive and while I love the food aspect of it, the exercise part of it won't happen for me. Instead I will do the exercise challenges I have found, Zumba, Walking the driveway, and WATP (Walk Away The Pounds). There are also some free exercise videos on Youtube so I will in incorporate that into my routine as well. I plan to stick to the diet portion as religiously as possible because that's the only way it will work. Why indulge myself with 150 calories when I can knock it down to 60? Some of the foods may not taste the best but this isn't about taste. This is me making a drastic change to commit to losing the weight and I guess that what's I gained from reading Dolvett's book. The diet will only work if you are willing to put the work into getting the results you want and being honest with yourself. I know this may seem drastic to some that I am cutting out so much but I am on a mission to get rid of this weight once and for all. I am done being lazy and it may take a few days to get the house back in order but I want to show Daddy and the family I am not the bum that it seems. Here's to 71 pounds, one pound at a time.

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