Thursday, October 30, 2014

Fire! Fire! Fire!

Potential: having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future.

Why do I start this post with a definition? My journey is all about the potential. What could happen if I put the effort in. If I truly commit to this journey and not half-ass it as usual. Usually I say I am committed to my journey but then sneak those spooky calories: a coke, icing, a bag of chips, etc. You get my point. I eat a lot of bad calories.

Well, tomorrow makes it one week since I've had a coke. I can't say I haven't had one because we don't have them in the house, I can honestly say I have resisted the temptation to have a coke. Dad drinks regular so there is always coke in the house. They say it takes 21 days to make something a habit so 2 more weeks of no cokes and it's a habit. I have itched for one, my goodness have I itched but I realize I am strong enough to say no. 

I weighed in today at 215.8. My last weigh-in was 216 even so I have lost .2 lbs without even trying. Now let's put some fire behind that. I am currently working with what the household has to eat until Saturday and then I will be officially officially in lifestyle change mode. Not having the food for the weight loss isn't an excuse to not put in the effort. I am finally realizing that I am the queen of excuses from house work, to my role as a submissive, to my weight loss, and my book reviewing. My life is full of excuses and I'm DONE. No more! I will just watch my portion sizes and count my calories. I am starting to eat every 2 hours today. 

I have had a few non-scale victories I am happy to announce:
1) Drink a whole bottle of water during a walk away the pounds work out.
2) Complete 2 miles on WATP
3) Tomorrow will be one week since I've last had a coke
4) Successfully completed 2 days out of 30 for my two 30 day challenges

These are huge accomplishments because I usually only do 1 mile and quit but I realize now more than ever that I have to push myself and I want to get to as close to an hour as possible so it took 26 minutes to do 2 miles, so if I do 4 miles that will put me at 52 minutes. This is my goal to work into and try. I am going to do another 2-3 miles this evening but I want to get to a point where it's consecutive.

I realize that I am strong enough to kick off this pounds for good and that if I continue to push myself I can do it. I love to have support but I also realize where your support system can also be your downfall. I say this because I am quick to rely on others. If they have a bad day then I say oh well, guess I can't anymore. Well, not this time. I am on mission for myself. I am going to knock these 71 pounds and never see them again.

1 comment:

  1. You Can Do This. I believe in you and am so proud of you!
